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6 Practical Odoo Tips and Tricks for Boosting Business Efficiency


Managing a business can be challenging, but Odoo offers tools to make things easier. Whether you’re automating tasks or optimizing workflows, there are smart ways to use Odoo that can save time and improve productivity. In this Blog, we’ll cover 6 practical Odoo tips and tricks to streamline your operations and make day-to-day tasks smoother. Whether you’re new to Odoo or a seasoned user, these tips will help you unlock more potential and work more efficiently.

1. Optimize Database Performance with Indexing

  • Steps:
    1. Identify the most frequently accessed tables in your Odoo database.
    2. Add indexes to key columns using SQL queries, such as:

CREATE INDEX idx_column ON table(column);

  • Regularly analyze and vacuum your database for optimal performance.

Benefits: Proper indexing speeds up queries, reduces system lags, and enhances the performance of heavy workloads such as reporting and analytics.

2. Streamline Workflow Automation

  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to Settings > Automation > Scheduled Actions.
    2. Set up automated tasks like sending invoices or following up with clients by specifying triggers and actions.

Benefits: Automating routine tasks saves time, reduces manual errors, and improves efficiency across sales, accounting, and CRM operations.

3. Enhance User Experience with Kanban View Customization

  • Steps:
    1. Go to Apps > Studio.
    2. Drag and drop elements to customize the Kanban board based on your business needs (e.g., add color coding for task prioritization).

Benefits: Customizing the Kanban view provides better visibility of tasks and helps teams prioritize efficiently.

4. Improve Inventory Management Using Batch Processing

  • Steps:
    1. Enable batch processing from Inventory > Configuration > Settings > Batch Picking.
    2. Create batches to handle large inventory updates simultaneously rather than individually.

Benefits: Batch processing enhances warehouse operations by minimizing manual data entry and speeding up stock transfers.

5. Optimize Sales with Custom Filters

  • Steps:
    1. Go to Sales > Orders > Advanced Filters.
    2. Set up custom filters such as “Orders above $1000” or “Pending payments.”
    3. Save these filters for quick access to specific data.

Benefits: Custom filters allow you to quickly access critical information and take action, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

6. Automate Reporting with Scheduled Reports

  • Steps:
    1. From Reporting > Scheduled Reports, configure the frequency and format of reports (e.g., daily sales reports emailed every morning).
    2. Select specific users to receive the reports automatically.

Benefits: This ensures key stakeholders get timely, actionable insights without the need for manual report generation, improving decision-making efficiency.


By applying these Odoo tips, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your business processes. These tricks range from database optimization techniques to automating workflows and customizing user interfaces, all of which contribute to smoother operations and better decision-making. When combined with a thoughtful Odoo Implementation strategy, these optimizations can unlock the full potential of your ERP system and ensure that your business is operating at its highest level of productivity.