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Angular Microfrontends: The Game-Changing Solution for Modern Industry SPAs

Angular Microfrontends The Game-Changing Solution for Modern Industry SPAs


As the modern web has evolved, so too have the complexities of web development. Today’s large-scale single page applications (SPAs) present a unique set of challenges, with developers facing numerous issues such as poor performance, scalability, and code maintainability. Fortunately, a new paradigm has emerged: microfrontends. In this article, we will explore what microfrontends are and how they can help solve the problems of modern industry SPAs, with a particular focus on Angular microfrontends.

What are Microfrontends?

Microfrontends are a relatively new concept in web development, born out of the idea of microservices. Just as microservices decompose monolithic backends into smaller, more manageable components, microfrontends break down frontends into individual, self-contained units. These units can then be developed, tested, and deployed independently, with each microfrontend responsible for its own part of the user interface.

The Benefits of Microfrontends

There are several benefits to using microfrontends in modern web development. First and foremost, they allow for greater scalability and modularity. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, independent units, developers can easily add or remove features without having to worry about how they will affect the rest of the application. This makes it easier to maintain the codebase and keep it up to date.

Another benefit of microfrontends is improved performance. Because each microfrontend is responsible for its own part of the user interface, it can be optimized for speed and efficiency without impacting the rest of the application. This can lead to faster load times, better user experiences, and improved search engine rankings.

Finally, microfrontends can also lead to better collaboration and faster development times. Because each microfrontend is developed independently, different teams can work on different parts of the application simultaneously, without having to worry about merge conflicts or other issues. This can result in faster development times, improved quality, and a more cohesive overall application.

Angular Microfrontends: How They Work

Angular is one of the most popular front-end development frameworks, and it is well-suited to building microfrontends. Angular microfrontends are built using a combination of web components and Angular modules. Each microfrontend is built as a standalone application, with its own set of components, services, and styles.

To integrate these microfrontends into a larger SPA, developers use a framework such as Single-SPA or Scully. These frameworks provide a way to dynamically load and render microfrontends as needed, based on user interactions. They also provide a way to share data and state between microfrontends, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

Best Practices for Developing Angular Microfrontends

When developing Angular microfrontends, there are several best practices to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to keep each microfrontend as self-contained as possible. This means that each microfrontend should have its own routing, state management, and API calls. This makes it easier to test, maintain, and deploy each microfrontend independently.

Another best practice is to use shared libraries and modules as much as possible. This can help reduce code duplication and ensure consistency across the application. It’s also important to pay attention to performance, using tools like Lazy Loading and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation to improve load times and reduce resource usage.


Microfrontends are a game-changing solution for modern industry SPAs, and Angular microfrontends are a particularly powerful implementation. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, independent units, developers can build more scalable, modular, and performant applications. And with best practices like self-containment and shared libraries, it’s easier than ever to build high-quality microfrontends. In conclusion, Angular microfrontends are a powerful solution for building modern industry SPAs. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, independent units, developers can build more scalable, modular, and performant applications. And with best practices like self-containment and shared libraries, it’s easier than ever to build high-quality microfrontends. As web development continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative approaches to building SPAs and other web applications. Ypu can Check AngularJs Development Service.


What is the main advantage of using Angular microfrontends?

The main advantage of using Angular microfrontends is that they allow for greater scalability and modularity. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, independent units, developers can easily add or remove features without having to worry about how they will affect the rest of the application.

How do Angular microfrontends improve performance?

Angular microfrontends improve performance by allowing each microfrontend to be optimized for speed and efficiency without impacting the rest of the application. This can lead to faster load times, better user experiences, and improved search engine rankings.

Are there any drawbacks to using Angular microfrontends?

One potential drawback of using Angular microfrontends is that they can be more complex to set up and maintain than traditional SPAs. However, with the right tools and best practices, these challenges can be overcome.

Can Angular microfrontends be used in legacy applications?

Yes, Angular microfrontends can be used in legacy applications, as long as the application is designed to support them. However, it may be more challenging to retrofit an existing application with microfrontends than to build a new application from scratch.

What are some tools for building Angular microfrontends?

Some popular tools for building Angular microfrontends include Single-SPA, Scully, and NgRx. These tools provide a way to dynamically load and render microfrontends, share data and state between microfrontends, and manage state in a scalable way.