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Java Vs Kotlin Comparision


KOTLIN – JET BRAINS developed it in St.Petersburg, Russia. It is a programming language that helps to reduce common errors. It is a general-purpose, free, open-source expressive and concise programming language.

Kotlin is designed for Java Virtual Machine and Android, consisting of functional and objects oriented programming features.

Kotlin saves time for developers as the less wordy language provides briefer and less unnecessary code.

The main advantage of Kotlin in Android is that developers can develop their solutions for older devices. Because of high performance, interoperability, fast compilation, many android developers turned into Kotlin.

JAVA- JAMES GOSLING developed it at Sun Microsystems. It is a general programming language and supports OOPs features.

Java is both compiled and interpreted language. It runs on many different operating systems, including Android and can be easily moved from one computer system to another system anywhere, anytime.

Java is used to develop mobile and desktop applications, big data processing, and embedded systems.

Java program always starts with the Class keyword. The visibility modes of class may be public, private and default.

The Java program execution starts from the main method, i.e. public static void main string.

  • PUBLIC- This is the access modifier to the main method. It has to be public so that the java runtime can execute this method.
  • STATIC- With the help of a static method, we can directly call the main method without creating the class’s object.
  • VOID – Java’s main method doesn’t return anything. That’s why its return type is void.
  •  MAIN- This is the name of the java main method. It’s fixed, and when we start the java program, it looks for the main method.
  • STRINGS- It stores the Java command-line arguments and is an array of type of Java.


JAVA is an easy-to-understand language. Java programming is easy to implement and less flexible. It also offers an open-source platform and up-to-date information and a feature-rich programming language and accurately organizes large projects with the latest tools.


Java takes up more memory space than other native programming languages such as C and C++. The Java developers have not addressed this problem, nor  the critical optimization of bounded latency languages been addressed. If you need to save every second, Java is not the best option. Use a different language in these scenarios. Only the architectural code is effective. Java’s ability to code a portable architecture is desirable. This coding method works. Finally, Java loses its value and reputation as it does not guarantee backups, as it is storage critical and less efficient for backing up data. In this case, there is also a downside that affects the Java ranking.


The KOTLIN advantage (plus point) increases the effectiveness of the team. You can improve your effectiveness with clear and concise language. It takes less time to write compiled working code and apply it to existing Java code, so you can do more. Courtland is marketed as the Java programming language with 100 operating systems. It is compatible with Java and all related tools and frameworks, and you can switch to Kotlin Step by step. Ease of maintenance. It is easy to manage as most of the identities, including Android Studio and other SDK tools, support Kotlin. This will increase developer productivity by allowing you to continue working with the tools you are familiar with. Kotlin provides a clearer and more concise codebase, making your code and products more stable and consistent.


Kotlin for Android is still in its infancy, making, learning and supporting resources are more difficult to access than Java for Android. The first compilation is very slow to compile in Kotlin. It is still new, so it is very difficult to find experienced developers because most of them use the Java language, which takes additional time to get used to the Kotlin language. Kotlin applications have slightly larger file sizes than Java applications with the same functionality.


  • Kotlin allows users to create an extension function. Java does not offer any extension function.
  • It does not require too much work for data classes. Java writes and constructs a lot of elements to develop classes.
  •  Kotlin does not offer implicit conversations. Java supports implicit conversations.
  • There are no null variables or objects. Java contains null variables or objects.
  • It also combines features of both object-oriented and functional programming. Java is limited to object-oriented programming.
  • Kotlin does not support static members. Java uses static members.
  • In Kotlin, we can have one or secondary constructors. Java cannot have secondary constructors but can have multiple constructors.


Now everyone is confused as to go with Java or Kotlin? Here is the answer. Kotlin is documentation as to where he was implemented; if you look at the advantages of Kotlin app development, it is much better than Java on topics such as security, syntax, compatibility, and functional programming, and many more. Therefore, we can see that Kotlin is better than Java. But we should not agree with this. Will Kotlin replace Java is a question in everyone’s mind. Now we’ll see the solution for why Cortland will replace Java for Android app development. Although Java is starting to add some functional programming elements, at its core Java, is a procedural language. Still, there are many programming languages that you might have considered that are designed to run on the Java Virtual Machine. Although there are many languages that can compile Java byte code, there are a few specialties of Kotlin that make it away better than the others in terms of null safety.